We're Perpetually in Safety & Training Mode
We put safety and training first and we've made it perpetual. At Direct, we've custom built a one-of-a-kind digital Learning Management System (Direct LMS) and loaded it with the very best safety and instructional training content available.
24/7/365 on-demand, mandatory safety and quality control training
Course completion accountability, testing and certifications
Apprentice, Journeyman and Master training via US Dept. of Labor certified programs
Strict adherence to state and local licensing protocols
Continuing Education (CE) Trade licensing
Customized site-specific training to meet clientele requirements as-needed
OSHA required documentation, adherence and protocols
In-house lecture and demonstration
Toolbox and tailgate project-based meetings, daily
.75 EMR
Our current 2024 *EMR rating is .75. Historically, we've maintained < 1.0 and beat industry standards in safety by nearly 25-30%.
* Experience Modification Rate (EMR) has strong impact upon a business. It is a number used by insurance companies to gauge both past cost of injuries and future chances of risk.